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  Rockstar Weekend
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Tuesday, June 21 7:15 am (link) -
I had to go with two lesser-used characters in this strip, because most of the characters in fact do have facial hair. The only main two guys that don't are David (who has a girlfriend) and Ahmadullah, who was already required for a different role in this strip. No one else could have pulled it off, and I really just love his smile at the end. Brett doesn't show up much as a character, which is probably for the best.

I've been trying to read that article in the NYTimes Magazine from the weekend about Why Some People Hate Gays or whatever it's called. It's really hard to slog through, though, when you come accross stuff like:

"Her job for the organization is to troll the Internet for news articles and developments, nationally and in the state, that have to do with same-sex marriage and other issues of concern to the group, like abortion, and then compile them into a newsletter that is e-mailed to members. Her main sources include the Web sites of The Washington Times and the Family Research Council, as well as the Drudge Report."

If she wanted news, maybe she could check sources that report, I don't know, news, not just places that make it up. Besides, as a Christian one wouldn't think she would read a newspaper by someone who had DECLARED HIMSELF THE MESSIAH.

So you know, there's that stuff, and there's also all the bigotry and hatred and people making themselves feel more superior by hating the love two mature adults, fully aware of what they are doing and respectful of each other, share. That sucks, too.

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