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  Rockstar Weekend
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Monday, June 20 5:33 am (link) -
Actual song debated:
"If You Leave," by OMD.

Look, sometimes that's just how an evening has to go. You can't waste all of your time scoring numbers or whatever when there are important questions and issues in need of urgent resolution. When you know who sang "The Safety Dance," then you can go back to ogling people at the bar (or, more likely, making fun of them).

I was going to make up a more "indie" list for this, but I'm just gonna list
alternate themes/genres available for discussion:
esoteric punk / indie rock starting with The Velvet Underground - Evan, I'm looking at you
terrible/intense 80s hair metal (actually listening to Ratt strongly discouraged)
terrible late-90s/early 2000 nu-metal (main lyric: "Yeah! Get the fuck up!")
early/mid-90s alternative/grunge-pop ("I Alone," etc. Also an option, whatever was big when you were in middle school)
art rock (not really)

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