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  Rockstar Weekend
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Wednesday, July 20 8:59 am (link) -
I wanted to talk about Intonation (the Pitchforkmedia Festival), but the reports I got from Mike Keller (sorry, link does not go to stories from the P.Fest) were too intense to accurately describe. Not because of the bands, but moreso due to activities centered around and resulting from the Beer Tent.
Wednesday, July 20 8:41 am (link) -
If anyone's interested, the Tour is basically over. Any competition for the Yellow Jersey ended yesterday and Lance has essentially won. All that's left is the race for second (where my money is sadly on the Democrats) and for the Sprint Jersey.

The SCOTUS nominee? Young. Very young. As expected. Two years as a judge. How did he get in? Easy, the Democrats spent all of their time making sure far-right, wacko, Religious Right, neo-con judges of minority status didn't get appointed, so in return they had to let lots of conservative young white males through. Why fight the minorities? Because the Right loves to use the "Hey, he's black, or she's a woman, or whatever, so you (Dems) HAVE to let them through," as if minority status means you stand for certain principles or represent a specific group or are sane. You know, Clarence Thomas couldn't be regressive, because he is black. He clearly couldn't have a giant chip on his shoulder about how affirmative action put him where he was, making him want to destroy it out of his personal embarassment at getting a Supreme Court position because of it. Never.*

It's win-win for Bush, though, because this guy could be on the bench for 30 years, AND he gets bonus points from the reactionary right for NOT appointing a minority or a woman. How unconventional of him to appoint another man to the Court, finally bringing the number back up to 8. I'm not saying there need to be quotas or anything, but actively celebrating the fact that he appointed a white male to join the 7 others seems a little stupid.

Overall, yeah, he's a conservative. What did you expect from Bush? Might as well let him through. The one you have to worry about is the next one, when Bush says: "I was nice next time, now I'mma go buck wild."

* - For the record, anyone who says white people look at minorities at school or in the workplace and automatically assume they are affirmative action hires is stupid. That or they represent idiots whenever they open their mouth.

I basically wrote everything in this post because I wanted to use the R*Berts title. (the link means you can play the 80s game at work, tho sadly not politically updated...yet.)
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