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Tuesday, October 10 11:19 pm (link) -
Scott Pilgrim against The Crane Wife
First new comic in a month or probably more. I got a new computer, so I'll try to update more. Thanks to everyone who wrote fanmail, sorry I've been so lax. Hey, let's talk about somthing inspiring!

Slate reviewed (and provided an overview of) the Scott Pilgrim series by Bryan Lee O'Malley (Slate review Artist's website), which I was shocked and really please by. Scott Pilgrim is the comic I most eagerly await the next installment of (although Daredevil has been amazing lately, more like a prison-crime drama than a super-tights smash book). You could easily read the review of the comic on Slate, but basically the humor is great, the voice is original, and it involves a melding of a local indie music scene, growing up, and dating, all in the context of a video-game universe (power-ups, etc).

The reason for the title of this post is that the Slate review, which focused on the slowed tempo of the third (current) installment of the series basically echoes a lot of the reviews out there for the most recent album by The Decemberists. Decrying the lack of total-pop filler and the slightly-ungainly efforts at growth. Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness might be a bit slower, but I enjoy the addition of a little depth. Otherwise the book would risk devolving into a gag-a-day comic thing, like what we do here. And that isn't the goal of the book. (same w/The Crane Wife... I guess? I dunno... I like the album).

One of the reasons I've been having a tough time with strips lately is lack of practice, but also part of me wonders where else I can go with this strip. I might want to expand more into graphic novel territory (this post's theme, Growth, was brought to you by the following graphic which may or may not pan out in the intermediate future).

I don't know much about what I'm doing with this. I'll let you know. This is the result of my early experiments with my tablet and my new computer.
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