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Tuesday, January 17 5:39 am (link) -
Julian Named His iPod 'Ziggy'
... and he'd tell you he named it after Bowie (lies), not Quantum Leap (truth). That's Julian from Death of the Party, because the Redskins lost to Seattle and that's how bets go. I said I'd draw Jon Fischer's character in my strip if the Skins lost and they did. I realilze the pop culture references in this comic might be a bit much, so if you didn't get them, here are the footnotes. If you did, I'd be really remiss in my duties as a human being if I didn't tell you to check out Laura Beth's comic today, because it is hilarious.

- Mitch Clem - writes Nothing Nice to Say, a punk rock comic. He recently struggled with the classic punk rock question: "You're selling out! vs. What are you, in High School? Nobody cares about selling out. Grown men need to make a living." Mitch Clem also writes one of my other favorite webcomics, Coffee Achievers
- Punk Rock Has Lots of Rules - Most of which pertain to what constitutes selling out, and Don't Do It.
- Julian - is from Death of the Party, a comic by Jon Fischer, and is emo/indie rock.
- Garden State - is a movie about nothing, with no plot, and is largely irrelevant. It did, however, ruin The Shins for a lot of indie rock kids who enjoyed introducing new people to the band. It's pretty hard to take credit for having heard of a band when that act itself made the trailer of a major motion picture. And really, taking credit for discovering bands and claiming to have been there first is mainly what indie rock music is all about.
- Ziggy - is the name of a computer from the TV show Quantum Leap. It allowed Al to enter and exit reality. When naming his ipod, Julian chose something that would allow him to exit and enter reality at will because he is a pretentious fucker. If I had the ability, I would probably make decals for iPods that looked like Ziggy and sell them. There is a pic of Al hitting Ziggy below.

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