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  Rockstar Weekend
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Wednesday, December 14 12:30 pm (link) -
Mr. Garcia apologized and stated that he did not mean to do that.
Brought to my attention by Mike Jones was this fabulous article:

Receptionist sues boss for allegedly masturbating on her

"Jorge Garcia is a polite, soft-spoken man who answers his own phone at his legal services firm in Houston. In fact, he has become his own secretary since his receptionist quit, filed criminal charges against him, and sued Garcia for allegedly masturbating on her during her second day on the job."

Go read it by clicking on the title.
Wednesday, December 14 7:07 am (link) -
The Sunday Fives
The phenomenon described in this comic was referred to as "The Sunday Fives" by MikenPaul. In college you can fuck with your sleep schedule pretty easily. So, oftentimes on weekends during the dead of winter the boys would accidentally stay up until 5am, then sleep until 5pm. This meant not seeing the sun for an entire weekend. How's that for Seasonal Depression Whatever-it's-called?

There's another version of this that crops up during summer, but in that version you race to make it to sleep before it gets light out. You know, dawn.

The comics so far this week all originally ran in The Daily Cardinal way back when (today's originally ran in Dec 2001). Which explains the difference in the art today compared with, say, a strip from last week. I would like to provide brand-new strips, with more detailed art and whatever have you, but the ideas (read:jokes) I have aren't really coming together like I want them to. Hopefully I'll get you a brand-new strip tomorrow.
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