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Thursday, December 1 6:30 am (link) -
Mafia Cowboys
by Mikenpaul

Mafia Cowboys is a complex tale of Italian mafia intrigue and activity set in rural Wyoming, but moreover it is the story of tough guys doing tough things. Mafia Cowboys stars Michael Madsen as Benny Montana, a wise guy from NYC who indulges in a life of money, power, sex and organized crime. But when a snitch, Jimmy Two-Fingers (Michael Rappaport) betrays him to the feds, Montana stands to loose everything he has. Witness protection officer Jack Justice (Reginald Veljohnson) relocates Two-Fingers to a remote town in the American west until he can testify at trial.

With no other option but to shut up Two-Fingers before the trial, Montana leaves the big city and heads for Wyoming. With the help of local rancher Willy Shane (played by a humorous and well cast Ted Nugent), Montana must locate Two-Fingers before it's too late...and prepare for the showdown of his life.

The film succeeds on many levels, but the most successful is the interactions and relationships between the characters. The dichotomy between the modern mafioso outlaw, Montana, and the classic wild western outlaw, Shane, works to illustrate the similarities and differences between crime in a big city and crime in the remote frontier. The action in this film is big: whether it be the film's opening shootout on the streets of New york when a hit Montana orders goes wrong or the drunken, classic sunset showdown between Montana and Two-fingers in the town square...audiences will not be able to turn away from this showcase of testosterone charged toughness.

In Mafia Cowboys 2 Willy Shane, while vacationing with his family in New York, is inadvertently caught in the middle of a showdown between police and a street gang. When stray police gunfire kills Shane's wife (Kathy Bates), he turns to his old friend Benny Montana to avenge her death against the police. Rumor has it that one of the main cops responsible may be Jack Justice, however no word has been given if Reginald Veljohnson will be reprising his role as this offbeat black cop.

[edit - Jack Justice in Rockstar Weekend. - Joanis]
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