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  Rockstar Weekend
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Monday, October 17 7:26 am (link) -
Plame Plame Plame!

Anyway, I had a pretty awesome weekend. Went out with a HS friend I hadn't seen in months, and also ran into some other kids from HS. One of them kept high-fiving girls as he walked down the street in Georgetown. His explanation for the stranger-high-fiving? "I only let myself do this once a month." His friend's explanation? "He killed a bottle before we left."

We then convinced him to hit on a girl who had to be 6'4. His in? He high-fived her a couple of times. Then they started talking. When her friends dragged her away five minutes later, we knew it wasn't because they were leaving the bar. She was 6'4. We could see her.

Hopefully John Vanderslice tonight. Atmosphere tomorrow? Foo Fighters did a show at the 9:30 Club last night, and I was sad I couldn't go. Well, I was sad they weren't only going to play songs from the first two albums, which is why I couldn't go.
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