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Tuesday, October 11 8:56 am (link) -
Dirty (with one r)
Sorry about the dirty art. I lost my eraser and couldn't find another one last night. I figured I'd just clean it up a bit in photoshop and it would look kinda cool with the structural lines. I generally like seeing that kind of stuff in other people's art. I'm not sure how well it worked here. It seems sort of distracting. I'll probably just buy an eraser and re-post with clean art.

Alex the Slider has previously appeared in a three consecutive comic visit.

Oh, and Evan, I think the weird thing about the photos with Laura Beth's comic is that the stadium seems so small. There is that whole wall of what I can only assume are glass windows for luxury boxes where fans would normally be, with the same along the upper sides of the rink as well. It seems dark and less fan-oriented. It doesn't help that you're claustrophobic, dude. Oh, and your Death at the foot of the bed was a nice Art History Class touch.

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