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Thursday, September 22 7:08 am (link) -
Q & NOT U - The Last Show (Pt. I)
Well, tonight will feature The Last Q&NOTU Show (Pt. I), with Part II being the other last show, tomorrow night. Both will be at The Black Cat, an awesome venue partially owned by local hero and formerly awesome musician Dave Grohl (sorry about the last few Foo Fighters albums, man), and both are sold out. I'm pretty sure after tonight's show I'll be handing out sample comic booklets to anyone exiting the show. People like comics. I do, anyway. So, it'll be a bittersweet party today. I'll write a review about it tomorrow, probably. I hope they all go on to do awesome things after they split. It's been fun, boys.

oh, and Garbage is breaking up. Shame. I liked their first three albums, and just kinda hoped this last one would be a slight stall before they got sweet again.

As for today's comic, what do you say when someone who just got out of a several-year relationship and is just exiting college tells you they're going to marry a guy they met in the rebound relationship and have only known for six months? I mean, on the one hand you want to tell them that you hope they are happy and that you support their decision, on the other hand you want to tell them that what the fuck are you doing? Date him for a while first! Damn, girl. I'm pretty sure my comments were prefaced with: "As a child of a divorce, I have to say that..."

Personally, I just think people should date for a while before getting married. People go through lots of changes at this point in life, and if you are truly going to get married, it's not like "officially" dating first for a while will do any harm. Unless you plan to start shooting out kids by age 23. But that shit's expensive.

Having said that, I went to a very nice wedding a month or so ago, featuring a friend from freshman year who will probably be very happy, and I'll be running with a storyline on the whole graduation->wedding! thing for a bit. Maybe. I'm pretty bad at sticking with storylines.

Also, the web server we use MORE THAN DOUBLED OUR BANDWIDTH YESTERDAY, for free, right when we had reached 95% of bandwidth usage on the month and I was scrambling to figure out how to afford more bandwidth. Hooray! Bring on the giant pictures!
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