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  Rockstar Weekend
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Wednesday, September 14 6:56 am (link) -
Okay, I put the strips back in the proper order. The one that ran yesterday is now listed as Saturday's, so that The Storyline can continue. Watch as our heroes move boxes around! ...and the like. I'm sorry if you didn't get the quote in the comic. It's from the movie listed here as the title of the post. I'm not so much sorry because you might not have gotten as much out of the joke in the comic, I'm mostly just sorry because you lead an incomplete life. There are certain movies you should see. HEAT is awesome.

Amos, who reviews movies for the site here, has a pretty great (if not exactly timely) article/column/thing over at Check it out.

Dude, Nothing Nice to Say is pretty awesome today. I mean, depending on your childhood. So is Diesel Sweeties, even though it peaks in the second panel. Sometimes you have to do that. Keeps it entertaining. Starting Point and Everyone Drunk But Me are also completely sweet, though for totally different reasons.

Oh, and Death of the Party is pretty good, with political commentary below the strip on just how insane Ben Stein (former Nixon hack, former TV gameshow host who wore vans with his suit) truly has become.
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