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  Rockstar Weekend
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Friday, September 9 12:28 pm (link) -
Evan is hilarious
If you read today's Starting Point, you will be happier. Also, today's comic continues below. Sorta.
Friday, September 9 12:15 am (link) -
Webcomic Variant Edition

...because that's how webcomics roll. They roll in World of Warcraft. They're all about battling orcs by using squires with a penchant for dressing up as their lords, donning their armor to engage in sacred combat to protect the realm or something. I don't know. I've never played it. But Penny-Arcade has done about 1.43 billion strips about the game, so it must be good.

But in actual fact, I did have roommates who played Madden for days on end. On the only available TV in the house. Specifically the trading and drafting aspects. There's nothing like watching two people draft players, switching back and forth to look at their stats, for weeks on end.

It got to the point where they would fake entire games (one person purposely missing tackles while the other person ran for a specific number of yards) in order to pad the statistics perfectly. I'm pretty sure that by the end, all they cared about was team administration. I can't wait until they come out with a Madden 2007: Human Resources Edition. They'll be all over it.

Oh, and a sign in the elevator informed me that it is both National Suicide Prevention Week, and National Waffle Week. That's quite a team. USA! USA!
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