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  Rockstar Weekend
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Wednesday, September 7 11:38 am (link) -
Holy Shit!
Wednesday, September 7 7:07 am (link) -
Lyrically This or Lyrically That
My roommate refuses, REFUSES to listen to the lyrics of any given song. I'll come in with an amazing song, or try to point out a part that is especially great, and his eyes will just glaze over. Even bands he really likes, he doesn't care about the lyrics for. At most, he'll just read them online so he knows vaguely what the song is about. The fact that he's never listened for lyrics means even when he focuses he can't do it. I think it has to do with the fact that his favorite band is Pearl Jam.

I hear there's a movement for Kanye West for President. I wonder if he could get in through the Chris Rock Black Vice President route... He could at least be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He's been a judge for about as long as John Roberts.

Also, I should apologize for the backgrounds in today's comic. I was in a rush. Sorry it looks all crazy.

Oh, and the transcript from the White House Press Briefing is awesome. Some gems:

QIn view of the national crisis, will the President withdraw his proposal for this tax cut for the richest people in the country?
QFirst, just to get you on the record, where does the buck stop in this administration?
MR. McCLELLAN: The President.
Q All right. So he will be held accountable as the head of the government for the federal response that he's already acknowledged was inadequate and unacceptable?
Q Is "Brownie" still doing a "heck of a job," according to the President?

Also, The New York Daily News, on sending Cheney in to assess the situation:
"Begala: "You're not going to send him to be comforter-in-chief. He's the type of guy who would look at them and growl, 'Life's tough. Get back to work.'"
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