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  Rockstar Weekend
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Friday, September 2 8:21 am (link) -
Rockstar Weekend, a la Starting Point
I may try to re-color this later on photoshop. That's how I normally color Evan(who's style I'm ganking)'s Comics. I just wanted to try something different. This took about an hour. But then, it's just 4 panels repeated.

Oh, and on the Bush/Hurricane thing:

Yeah, he fucked up by taking money away from the levee system to fund the Iraq War and Tax Cuts at the same time. SELA was scheduled to be finished this year, but thanks to his administration shooting down funding, it wasn't. Also, he took the national guard, and so many helicopters that could have been used to rescue people, and stationed them overseas because he didn't want to issue a call to arms. Rather than try to call more young men to service, he instead shied away from portraying the Iraq War as a real, ongoing war. It's just sort of background noise, and is often treated as such.

What is surprising is his PR people are screwing this up so badly. Just like 9/11, when Bush reacted amazingly slowly, with the Hurricane it took him DAYS to leave his month-long vacation. And when he does, they get pix of him looking out at the devastation from Airforce 1. Looking down at the little people while they desperately need food, water, and supplies dropped down to them. Lastly, he gave a press conference that didn't show empathy for the people suffering. The tone was: "We, as a nation, are facing this thing." What it should have been is: "People suffering from the hurricane, the nation feels for you. I am working hard, as is the rest of the country, and we are mobilizing support efforts. We are doing everything we can to rush relief to you right now."

Not only that, it should have been given not in a suit, as a press conference, but in a tie, with dress-shirt sleeves rolled up, tie loosened, from the Oval Office Desk. For extra measure, pictures should have been sent to the press of Bush working hard, strategizing with top officials to do something about this mess. They would preferably be in black and white, a la Cuban Missle Crisis Kennedy. Then when Time ran their articles of the disaster, they would also have a feature: The President Responds. You always have to have a story ready. As it is, he looks like he's sitting on his ass. As my roommate said: "If they ran the pictures of him working on it, he would actually have to do something."

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