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Tuesday, August 30 7:44 am (link) -
Every Time
You lie down after a long day, planning on quickly falling asleep. You start to think about something pleasant and the next thing you know there are little blocks dancing their way down in front of your eyes. You try to avoid it but pretty soon you're moving them around, trying to get two full rows of four. Tetrises, if you will. This wierdness isn't limited to Tetris, either. For me, it happens when I play just about any video game for a couple of hours a day. I'll find myself strategizing about which passes I want to make in Fifa 05 or whatever. I suppose if this comic were like all the other webcomics I would have made it about Katamari Damacy or WoW or something. But then I'd have to add a character that was either some sort of robot, a monkey, or some sort of talking animal. Frankly, I just really don't know how to write dialogue for robots who say sassy things while looking cute. By don't know how, I meant don't want to.

Worse than Tetris, though, would be when I worked at Blockbuster Video in High School. I'd go to sleep thinking about how I wanted to talk to some cute girl, or tell this guy friend of mine something awesome, and I'd think: "I'm going to go up and talk to them." So we'd start talking and then my view would sort of pull back and lo and behold, we'd be at Blockbuster and I'd be checking them out. I'd be going: "Hey man, listen to this, it's hilarious. So I was... oh, those are due back on Thurs before midnight." And it happened no matter what I tried to imagine. No matter what I'd be thinking about, the repetitiveness of checking people out at the register would be there for me. Even thinking about comics turned into reading comics at the register, being interrupted by idiotic customers. It sucked real bad. In the end, there's really nothing positive about imagining yourself asking a girl out while you tell her she has late fees.
Tuesday, August 30 6:47 am (link) -
there's no need to visit Death of the Party. It's too popular. Maybe next month.
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