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Wednesday, August 24 6:42 am (link) -
Thanks a Lot, NCAA
...and I didn't even go to Ohio State. For those of you who don't understand the comic, the University of Michigan is located in a town called Ann Arbor, and this is a pretty standard cheer (or taunt, if you prefer) from schools who oppose them in athletic contests (feats of athleticism, sportsmanship, and derring-do). I'm sure there's some cheer about a rival school that correlates to some educational experience you've been a part of. In all honesty, you probably hate Duke.

Suffice it to say, I've had to bite my tongue a number of times. More often though, rather than yelling like a maniac, we'll be working on a project and someone will casually mention Michigan and I'll want to slide in there with: "Oh... so um... I hear Ann Arbor is a whore." Not professional. But it's just a response to people going to a rival school. I mean, if someone said they went to Iowa, I'd be like: "Oh. That's too bad." Or if they said they went to Minnesota I'd say: "Oh. Do you want me to buy you some lunch? Maybe a burger or something?"
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