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Thursday, August 18 10:43 am (link) -
People, man
Seriously, this shit is RIOT. People are hilarious
Thursday, August 18 10:32 am (link) -
Hockey Tix
Hey Laura Beth, my friends and I had GLASS for two seasons of hockey. It was MORE awesome.

Hockey tickets at the University of Wisconsin need to be purchased in advance, then they would give out seat assignments for the entire year to those who waited in line on this one Sunday morning. So when we went to buy our tickets on the last day they were up for sale, the Friday before the seat assigning, we were planning on coming back that evening and camping out. No one would be stupid enough to camp out all weekend.

But when we got there, there were two kids already seated outside. So my roommate, after ordering his tickets, sat down right in front of them in the line. The looked really flustered, and were quickly getting angry. So he leans over and goes: "How long you two been waiting in line?" They mumble something about a half hour or so. He goes: "Me too!" and then winks at them.

Then he got behind them in line before they could call a teacher or whatever they were planning on doing. And we got glass.

The next year, we realized everyone would come out before Friday night, so we had to come out on Thursday night. No, FUCK THAT, Wednesday night. Then someone from a huge other group bragged about how they would be there Wednesday by noon. So we went out on Tuesday night, and had people in shifts for almost an entire week. Every other group hated our guts, because it meant they had to come out earlier than they had planned to get tix. That was our last year of getting hockey tickets, because of the line-waiting, and the fact that my roommate kept almost-getting-arrested for his hockey-cheering-related behavior.
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