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Thursday, August 11 7:08 am (link) -
It's Totally True
It's pretty hard for me to express how much I like this comic. I've been waiting all week to do it, actually. But then it got all story-liney and it wouldn't have fit in, so I had to hold back. I pretty much intend to do everything in this strip. Old guys in suits are totally awesome, as far as I'm concerned. Also, I know in this strip I take a dig (sorta?) at Norwegians, but if growing up in Minnesota taught me anything, it's that Norwegians and Swedes are exactly the same.

I have to say that personally, I absolutely love random European ethnic slurs. I lived in Europe for a while and I think that they are quite genius. It's funny because so many of them are so peculiar that they don't translate well unless you totally know where the comment comes from and what part of the culture it criticizes. As far as I am concerned, the more obscure and difficult an ethnic slur is to figure out, the better. I had a soccer coach from Iraq who once screamed "You're not in Caracas anymore!" at someone who was driving poorly in front of us. I don't know what the capital of Venezuela has to do with poor driving, but it was pretty awesome. The random comments about (was it the Dutch?) in Austin Powers 3 were the movie's only saving grace.

Also hilarious? State-based slurs. Just like how everyone in Europe picks on the Belgians, and Russia picks on the Finns, in America we pick on either neighboring country, or else the State right next to you. Man, those people one state over sure are stupid, terrible drivers, fucking bastards, or inbred hicks. The best one I heard recently, said by Minnesotans going into Wisconsin: "Just pretend like you're drunk."

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