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  Rockstar Weekend
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Monday, August 1 12:52 pm (link) -
Evan's comic
I thought Starting Point was really good today. Tomorrow's is, too.
Monday, August 1 12:41 am (link) -
The Internet, where you can find it (sadly)
I had discussed with Mike Keller the most pretentious hipster things one could possibly do at a party while the two of us were working on our (still unfinished) screenplay. The screenplay was going to be totally awesome, I have to say. Unfortunately, we're unmotivated, lazy bums most of the time, and end up only half-sketching out semi-complete ideas.

Anyway, playing "Fake Plastic Trees" on piano at some party ranked pretty fucking high up on the list, and for good reason. Cue about 2 months later as Mike stumbles upon the Mike O'Riley piano rendition of the song on the internet. The internet, making every embarassing dream/idea you've ever had come true.
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
The first two X-Men movies were remarkably balanced. They offered great action thrills, but did it alongside...
What's Going On
Just wanted to update you on a few things to expect soon from . dot C.O.M. 1) We're...
January: The Buzzkill Month
“Can you believe it’s February already? ” I work in a file room, surrounded by co-workers...