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  Rockstar Weekend
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Friday, July 15 9:35 am (link) -
Calvin and Hobbes
This Calvin and Hobbes Press Release thing they put out must mean old strips reprinted.
Friday, July 15 8:08 am (link) -
Sitcoms. Why bother?
This is pretty much every sitcom, as far as I'm concerned. It could also have been titled: "Hot Wives, Chubby Husbands" or "Kids. We should just lock them in the basement until they're 30, but we can't, so we'll be reasonable about it after they learn valuable lessons by being in difficult situations while always managing to make the right choices in the end and come home safely."

T.V. Shows I currently enjoy include Chappelle's Canceled Show, Arrested Development, Malcom in the Middle (if I see it's on), Seinfeld, Family Guy, Reno911, and The Daily Show. Right now it's actually pretty much just The Tour, tho. I watched 4 hours straight of biking the other day. It ruled so hard.

Also, Amos reviewed Fantastic Four. The Review is really good. Well. The review is well. Is that it?

Amos Posner (link goes to his FF review) saw the movie "Me and You and Everyone We Know" and thought it was really good. Unfortunately it's only airing in NY and LA, and it's not scheduled to come out anywhere else. Plus, the Onion's review was spot on, so he won't be reviewing it for us. But, check out Rabin's review in the Onion and if you're a coastal kid, check it out. a> P.Fork was talking about Dangerdoom, the Dangermouse, MF Doom Team-Up. We all know that I'm all about the Dangermouse, and I really enjoy the MF as well. It should be good. The graphic for it looks awesome. The cross-promotion with Adult Swim? Icing on the cake.

He wrote a good review. Better?

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