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  Rockstar Weekend
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Wednesday, July 13 8:43 am (link) -
Mike Jones
Dear Mike Jones,

It was fun saying your name repeatedly (Mike Jones!) and I swear we would have stopped in like, two more weeks, but I guess it finally got to you. That's too bad. It was a fun little community thing since doing the Mike Jones thing required 2+ people to work properly, and your name was said repeatedly not to mock but to celebrate you. But you've had enough. I guess you want it "squashed" or something. I'll do my best.*


P.S. Yeah, I am aware that My Name is Joanis. Thanks for reminding me at every party we ever went to (because they all ended in Weezer for some reason). It's cool, though. I really didn't mind that much. It's a celebration, bitches. Enjoy yourselves, etc...

*In front of you. I'm totally still doing it with Ev and LB when you aren't on the line. Sorry.
Wednesday, July 13 7:31 am (link) -
Storyline Continues
I'm continuing the storyline, thankfully. I deleted yesterday's comic because, honestly, it was really old, ugly and hard to look at. Especially at that resolution. But don't tell people I told you that. I told you that on double super-secret background.

Also, if you have some spare time, there is a really neat short-story from the Best of Craigslist. It's 3 full pages (1,600 words) just so you know what you're getting yourself into.
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
The first two X-Men movies were remarkably balanced. They offered great action thrills, but did it alongside...
What's Going On
Just wanted to update you on a few things to expect soon from . dot C.O.M. 1) We're...
January: The Buzzkill Month
“Can you believe it’s February already? ” I work in a file room, surrounded by co-workers...