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Wednesday, April 6 7:07 am (link) -
Getting a Job is Fun, Going Daily is Not

It's so easy to go out 4 nights a week when you don't have to be anywhere until 9am,11am, or 1pm the next day. This whole getting up early during rush hour thing is pretty lame. The best part about rush hour in a big city, though? You don't have to see the tourists. They don't roll out of bed and into town until around 9:30/10, so they're unable to block your ascent up the escalator by standing in both lanes. They'll be there when you want to go home, though.

As for the comic, I miss sleeping in and skipping class. Not that I did it very often. Unless it was Art History I usually felt somewhat guilty, and I usually would just go and draw throughout the whole class, vaguely hoping to learn through osmosis. Art History, on the other hand, generally featured professors I assumed should be teaching math classes. Professors who were unable to get groups of words out, barely able to string enough of them together to form a complete sentence, and seemed either too shy or just too occupied with their thoughts to explain the meaning of Albrecht Durer's finer works. Those classes you could skip once in a while. Like twice a week.

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