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  Everyone Drunk But Me
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Thursday, October 6 7:43 am (link) -
The Developing Writing Teacher
This woman was crazy. We referred to her as "Crazy Writing Lady." By the end of the semester, for very good reasons, Jocelyn, Ashley and Sherrice all refused to attend her class. With the approval of the department head. On the last day, when it was just the Crazy Writing Lady and me and Karly, the Crazy Writing Lady was confused. "Where is everyone?" she asked. She didn't mind too much though I think because she didn't really like that we were a class of all girls.



X-Men 3: The Last Stand
The first two X-Men movies were remarkably balanced. They offered great action thrills, but did it alongside...
What's Going On
Just wanted to update you on a few things to expect soon from . dot C.O.M. 1) We're...
January: The Buzzkill Month
“Can you believe it’s February already? ” I work in a file room, surrounded by co-workers...